Odd Lenses is a lifestyle and art blog. Its purpose is to discuss various aspects of life and living, to offer answers to questions about these aspects of life in the most sincere way possible. We spice it up by occasionally putting up stories, poetry and all things art for your pleasure. If you like the truth, you're in the right place. Welcome to the building.


PC: ourlifeisbeautiful.com

A one-size-fits-all never fits all.
You were created to be somebody's perfect size
And many people's good fit,
So don't fret,  don't cry
When many hands push you aside on the rack,
Think of the perfect body
That you were made for,
Because you'll hug it tight,
You'll hide its nakedness,
You'll give it warmth.
Dear person,
Be your own size.


How many ideas lay asleep on the pages of my book? 
When will they be given bodies and made alive? 
Where is their breath of life? 
Is their maker struggling for life too? 
If so,  would they ever be put to bed?

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Odd Lenses by Ada Thelma Iyke. Powered by Blogger.

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Welcome! Come in.

Door opens... The lobby is large and long. To your left are two coffee brown couches. Apart from that and the white walls and doors with ...


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