Odd Lenses is a lifestyle and art blog. Its purpose is to discuss various aspects of life and living, to offer answers to questions about these aspects of life in the most sincere way possible. We spice it up by occasionally putting up stories, poetry and all things art for your pleasure. If you like the truth, you're in the right place. Welcome to the building.

A Hundred Lessons by Ada Thelma Iyke

I've learnt the hard way.
I've learnt the simple things.
I've learnt that you do not gulp down hot tea,
That careful sips prevent singed tongues.
I've learnt that you do not carry a hot pot with your bare hands,
That such foolish boldness leaves you with scorched palms.

I've learnt.
I've learnt you do not mount a Bike with a straight-cut skirt.
I've learnt that such ventures leave you with a funny person; shame.
I've learnt that you do not soak bread in tea in public.
Because such careless comfort is akin to an abased public image.
I've learnt that you do not eat ewedu soup without water close by.
Because doing that is the same as squeezing your fathers ear when the door is locked.

I've learnt random things.
That you should not drink water after eating pineapple.
That you should not attempt to fry banana the same way you fry plantains.
I've learnt that you must bend down when eating cashew fruits.

I've learnt.
I've learnt the hard things too.
I've learnt that you do not put your trust in a man.
I've learnt that you should not attach extreme importance to any thing or anyone. Because moderation is bliss.
I've learnt that disappointment is inevitable,
That human emotions are fickle.
I've learnt that you do not cause tears of pain and regret stream down the face of your mother,
Because it is a painful sight.
I've learnt that two wrongs were never destined to make a right,
That it is like waiting to see fuel and fire cause rainfall.
I've learnt that nothing matters more than family and friends,
Because no matter how distant they become,
They'll pay their respects the day you die.
I've learnt that love is supreme,
That it is the creative force of the universe.
I've learnt.
I've learnt that simple things are the most beautiful.
I've learnt that family is wonderful.
I've learnt that food is good,
That music is paramount for identity and harmony.
I've learnt too that words are important.
So mull over these ones.,
Because everything begins as a word.
Whether it be ink on the walls of your heart,
Or sounds with meaning on your lips.
I've learnt that it is good to learn.
I've learnt that we are life's students.
We graduate when we die.
Have you learnt this?


1 comment:

  1. I got to this Blog by chance but damn I'm glad I came. You write like you are in my head


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