Odd Lenses is a lifestyle and art blog. Its purpose is to discuss various aspects of life and living, to offer answers to questions about these aspects of life in the most sincere way possible. We spice it up by occasionally putting up stories, poetry and all things art for your pleasure. If you like the truth, you're in the right place. Welcome to the building.


The issue of Pedophilia  has been on the desk for quite some time now and it is astonishing to hear and see that society wants to consider it acceptable. There are certain things that remain wrong no matter how many consider it normal.  We can't go along with the mainstream on everything especially on pedophilia.  Well,  that's if they are trying to say it is not wrong in every sense of the word.  Let's see what what an embittered  graduate of Law has to say about it.

"Because I know some of the people who can view my social media posts probably have secret pedophilic affinities and urges, let me make it clear that if I hear any of you abused a child, I'll put my feet to the ground and make sure you get the punishment you totally deserve.

It's totally embarrassing to know that even now, some persons are pushing advocacy for the integration of pedophiles into the LGBTQ+ community and it is worse, living with the fear that the international community feels there's a discussion to be had on the issue.

It is true that there's been a heated debate across the world over the extent of liberalism and liberation that can be afforded individuals with respect to sexual orientations and while I think it is well within individual rights for persons to exercise sexual franchise in a wide array of inclinations, it is implausible and absolutely unjustifiable to say that sexual exploitation of any sort should be allowed.

This is very basic and I know a lot of you are aware but I'll still explain for the sake of directional clarity.

The dynamics of power-play are very crucial and often regulated in a lot of circumstances and that's why activities like insider trading that guarantees asymmetry of business information is morally and legally wrong in a lot of instances. The reason for this is that it unfairly tips the balance in favour of one party over the other.

How does this seemingly far fetched example fit into the framework of the conversation on pedophiles, you may ask? Sexual abuse and exploitation.
On the one hand, it is trite in psychology and other behavioural sciences that children cannot validly give consent to certain activities because they either do not fully grasp the implications such activities may bode for them even where it is thoroughly explained and again, because even if they do which is of course rarely the case, they are not physically and mentally psyched for indulgence as this may irreparably hurt them and skew their growth process.
Essentially, the point is that children can't give consent on certain occasions and even if they can, they can't live with the consequences.
I am yet to see anyone successfully argue against and be taken seriously with the contentions in the last slide especially as it borders on sexual capacity.
Knowing how this may harm children, the biggest thing pedophiles bring to the table is the age long justification of having a biological imperative to be sexually attracted to children and this doesn't cut it for me nor should it cut it for anyone.
Why? I'll explain.
Much in the same way we don't take rapists seriously when they claim to have been tempted or even more befittingly, kleptomaniacs when they can show a psychological dimension to being incapable of keeping their hands to themselves, we should never use the argument of biological imperatives to justify clear instances of exploitation and abuse because then it would mean that the brazenness of human nature would be free to run amok unchecked and apologists would always have a strong defence in their arsenal.
We can't justify everything like that.
If you truly can't control yourself against children, maybe it's time to plan a long holiday to a psychiatric facility because honestly, you're a danger to society and we are not obligated to tolerate you.
We've been putting mad people away for ages for being mad, I'm not sure there'll be a problem with quarantining persons who have presented a severe case of psychological imbalance if it helps us protect vulnerable groups like children.
Thank you."

While there are conflicting issues on what is right and what is not,  we should not hesitate to remember to fight for what is human/humane.

If you have questions for the writer,  direct them to his facebook page @Ikenna Echewodo Chinyeaka.
You can drop your comments too.

Ikenna Echewodo Chinyeaka is a Human Rights activist who just graduated from the University of Calabar as a Law student.  He hopes to and is actively engaged in bringing social change through debating and public speaking.


Greetings, my fellow ink addicts!

How's it in the word pit these days?  A lot of people think its really cool to introduce yourself and be like "...and I write too". Some would see you as an artsy person,  you know,  very cool and all.  Others would say you're just lazy and boring.  Can somebody be a witness or am I the only weirdo here? πŸ™„πŸ€“
Well,  for those who don't understand what it means or feels like to be a writer,  let me tell them what we go through behind the scenes.

1. Writers get inspired by the smallest and oddest things: Well,  if you have or have had a writer friend,  you can relate.  You know that moment when you're both doing something or talking about something and the person just stops and looks at you,  maybe smiles and tells you that you're brilliant  and that they've just gotten an idea for some inking? Yeah. ✌ That's us.  I've done it to my friends too many times to count. Even food inspires me.  Rain inspires me.  A child running around in nothing but faded panties inspires me.  Okay,  let me stop else this would turn to a poem😁

2. The temptation or problem of working on many different ideas at once: Can I get another witness? Don't lie,  you guysπŸ˜‘
I mean all you writers out there. You might be in the middle of a beautiful story and the ending or a line begins to take you to new places😁 Kai!  And fiam! Faster than the snap of two fingers,  you open a new word document. Many times,  the look of a blank page is so appealing,  it's strange. Sometimes,  you get three different story ideas at once and you start all at once.  The worst is when you're dealing with these and you get a new prompt for a contest and none of the stories match the themeπŸ™„πŸ™„ This is a real struggle, I tell you.  Seest thou a writer who can finish a story/work before going to another,  he shall stand before...

3. We are our biggest critics: Before we push our work to our editors or post it on our blogs or facebook pages,  we read it again and an uneasiness settles like puddles in our stomachs.  We begin to ask if our readers would like our work and all and...sighs!  That sort of thing.  Writers are humans too and many of us have that tinge of perfectionism when it comes to our work.  We have to keep it real though.

4.Writer's block is our own illness: I've never met a writer who hasn't been blocked before.  Many of us stay 'ill' for long. For some,  it stays for years. It's something no writer prays for but life can just be sinister at times and inject this dreadful disease into our systems.  But we are more than conquerors through him who loved and loves us,  right?  And who loves the writer if not the reader? πŸ˜€πŸ˜πŸ˜˜ We love you too.  Just pray well that we all don't get blocked at once one day,  else... πŸ™„πŸ˜Œ

I've tried now,  haven't I? These are some of the things that come with being a writer. Tell your writer friends to confirm or confirm these points.😌 If you think I left anything out,  tell me in the comment section.  You know I love to hear from you,  right?  I do!
Come on!  Say something πŸ˜€



My friend,
Shoot your shot,
And I will shoot mine.
Then, we will both stand
And see whose arrow pierces which heart.
Tell your stories
And let me tell mine.
Let us live and let live.
In the end,
Time will examine history's luggage
And tell us which is wrong or right.
Let us row this boat in peace,
Let us sit quietly at the ends of the boat,
Let us not fight the foolish fight of goats.

My friend,
I see you do not agree with my words,
With the expressions of my thoughts,
With the components of my being.
Will you now slay me?
Has the earth not given the atmosphere as a playground for all?
Shoot your shots,
Voice your thoughts,
If another heart is pierced,
Pat your new win,
Teach them to shoot their own shots.
Now, stay at your end,
Watch me do as you do.
This should be the one rule we should all be bound to.

My friend,
Life is fickle,
Death is no foreigner,
This we know,
These we know.
Stereotype is bad,
Or not.
How would we know
If we are tied to its apron strings?

This is the end of my banter.
My friend,
Be all you want.
Express it and let others join if they want.
I'll be.
I'll be all I want
Even if it's everything you're not.
Just don't fight me for it.
This is the end of my banter.
Shoot your shot,
And I will shoot mine,
Then we can throw greetings across the line.
Just don't cross that line.
This is the end,  my friend.

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